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TopHair Düsseldorf 2024
Auch heuer waren wir wieder auf der TopHair ind Düsseldorf. Wir bedanken uns bei allen Beteiligten.

Wir blicken zurück auf tolle und ereignisreiche zwei Tage voller Intensiver Gespräche und neuen Kunden die wir gerne in die iNCO Familie aufnehmen.

Derzeit sind wir überall verstreut in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz unterwegs.

Alberschwende / Austria
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Great news from the Bregenzerwald! A physiotherapist got a taste for Zytoenergese®.


We would like to warmly welcome Ronny Schwärzler and his team to our iNCO family! Here’s to many great successes and healthy patients!

Dingelstädt / Germany

The number of Zytoenergese® users is increasing and we are proud of it. Annette Hundeshagen's hairdressers and Annette herself are enthusiastic about the simplicity of the Zytoenergese® treatment.


Zytoenergese® is constantly in use and is well received by customers. We wish Annette and her team much success and a lot of success and satisfied customers!

Thedinghausen / Germany

We have also been well represented in the Bremen area since June 2022. The three from 3Werk are Specialists in their fields. At Hair loss, everything about massages for your well-being and the right cosmetics. 


Zytoenergese® is used in many ways and customers love it. Short wellness break for in between. We wish the ladies of 3Werk lots of success and a lotJoy with satisfied customers!

iNCO Zytoenergese® beginner Workshop

The iNCO Zytoenergese® beginners' Workshop took place on 25.9 and 26.9.2022 in Schweinfurt at Philip and Christiane Grebner's (Ebbo's Friseur & Reha Center). Thank you for the great exchange of experiences and we hope you were able to learn and take away a lot of new things.

We are looking forward to more great Workshops. :-)

iNCO Zytoenergese® News

iNCO goes Instagram!

We are now also on Instagram. Follow us and don't miss any more tips or treatment successes.


Just click on the user below and we'll see you on Instagram again. 😉


iNCO Zytoenergese® NEWS

It's here, the long-awaited promotional video. Here, too, we have brought together our entire commitment and created something very special.

With the help of videographer David Hollerer

( ) we were able to produce this video for you within one day. We hope you enjoy it.


We are growing again with one more user in Vorarlberg! In Bludenz, Bianca Fetzel bought an iNCO Cytoenergese® device and the first promotional event has already taken place.


It is rumored that people from Bludenz and Bürser will take it very seriously. Exactly what the region needed!

We wish Bianca all the best!


The last newsletter was a long time ago, so we gave all of our customers an update on what's new in the world of Zytoenergese®. You are welcome to register for the newsletter here.

iNCO Zytoenergese®

After all these years we decided to make an image video (there was enough tinkering 😉).

A young, dedicated video producer and photographer, David Zamut ( ), helped us with the implementation.

He took up the challenge with us and we can proudly present the result to you.


Workshop on May 29/30, 2016 in Sulz

On Sunday, May 29th, 2016 we held a top-class customer event in the Freihof in Sulz.


We are a domestic technology company that develops and manufactures cosmetic and therapy devices, and invited customers from various industries to "blow schnapps" under the expert guidance of two professional glassblowers, Hilmar Zschiedrich from Vienna and Mario Karner from Tyrol, in the old bowling alley of the historic inn.


Afterwards, the self-designed works of art with the self-distilled and gold-awarded schnapps were inaugurated by the hobby distiller / developer Gerhard Polzhofer.


All participants enjoyed this creative day to the full and had a lot of fun.

Schweinfurt / Germany

We received great news from our users Christiane and Philip Grebner from EBBO'S Friseur & Reha-Center.


Since 2013 you have been working successfully with the iNCO -Zytoenergese® in the area of hair renewal, beauty line and iNCO therapy. Gradually increase the number of iNCO - Zytoenergese® treatment devices.

Bregenz / Austira

We have just received great news from our user Manuela Linhart-Knafel



One month ago Ms. Linhart was using an additional second treatment device in her new shop in Bregenz. Your customers are now so enthusiastic about the body treatments that they no longer want to miss the treatments. And of course we are happy too.

Feldkirch / Austira

Feldkirch / Austria - A new physiotherapist has joined the group of users: Markus Österle, with his practice in Feldkirch, has now decided to work with Zytoenergese® after a brief consideration but a long observation phase. He has already got his first patients from the surrounding sports clubs and has treated them very successfully.

All the best for the continued positive business development.


It would also be great if we could get some testimonials from our long-term users again. In this way we can slowly but surely cover the Austrian Rhine Valley more and more with Zytoenergese®.

Altach / Austira
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Altach / Austria - At Brändle Alexandra (Hand aufʼs Haar) a lot has changed after long and intensive renovation work. Alex and her husband Alex 😄 rebuilt and rebuilt the entire house.


Alex has been working very successfully with Zytoenergese® in her hair studio in Altach for years. Now she has decided to set up an additional treatment room for the Zytoenergese® face and body treatments on the top floor of her newly renovated house. The new premises were not even set up, they already had 12 !!! Registrations for the facial. When we “inspected” the renovation work, she asked us why she hadn't started the facial treatments earlier. The nice turnover that was lost as a result!


We wish you continued great results and business success as before.

Ascona / Swiss

The number of iNCO Zytoenergese® cosmetic users is increasing steadily. You too benefit from this fact - the name Zytoenergese® is spreading and thus the demand in your salon is also increasing.

In the Meglionarnis salon in Ascona, both facial and hair treatments are offered - so they bring customers into the house twice.

Zytoenergese® report on ORF
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