We feel and sense tenderness, warmth and touch with our skin. Beautiful skin radiates sensuality and vitality.
Our secret is to maintain your beauty:
Un (fold) your energy with the Zytoenergese® treatment system!
From now you will have a method for your holistic well-being
The cell regeneration is stimulated and accelerated by the energization.
The natural consequence of this is a visible and noticeable rejuvenation of the treated tissue.
Tired and slack tissue is revitalized and tightened.
In addition, used cells are replaced more quickly with new ones.
In addition, the lymph flow is stimulated, which promotes purification.
This means that the natural aging process is reversed.
With ZYTOENERGESE® you give the cells the pulse
to activate the body's own regenerative powers
Relieve tension in muscle tissue
to invigorate and tighten sagging muscles
Die korrekte Anwendung der Zytoenergese®-Behandlung während der Tattoositzung beschleunigt den Heilungsprozess sofort und reduziert Rötungen und Schwellungen deutlich.
The Result: a beautiful SKIN
Wrinkles recede and damaged tissue is revitalized.
Since the Zytoenergese® treatment activates the body's own regenerative powers, it works deeper, thereby achieving long-lasting stabilization. This means that your skin will look beautiful and toned for weeks after the treatment.
The cosmetic success that results from the rejuvenation of the cell tissue is also accompanied by a generally improved sense of wellbeing. This will also make you feel healthier and more vital.
Energetische Harmonisierung des Körpers und der Haut
The facial treatment lasts an average of 40 minutes and is found to be very pleasant. The final result can be seen after 10 treatments (approx. 5-6 weeks), with an effect already visible after the first treatment. The Zytoenergese® facial treatment is also ideal as a lunch time treatment - as a little break from stressful everyday life.
Vorteile der Zytonergese® für den Kunden vor und während dem Tätowieren
Reduzierung von Stress und Angst: Hilft dem Klienten, in einen entspannten Zustand zu gelangen, wodurch der Tätowierprozess weniger stressig wird
Förderung des Energieflusses und der Balance: Bereitet den Körper energetisch von und verbessert das körperliche sowie emotionale Wohlbefinden
Verminderung von körperlichen Beschwerden: Reduziert Muskelverspannungen, was das Tätowieren angenehmer macht
Unterstützung der Heilung: Optimiert die Bedingungen für die Heilung der Haut und fördert eine schnellere Regeneration und verringert somit das Risiko von Hautirritationen oder Entzündungen nach dem Tätowieren.